Elite Medical Tutor Offers

Elite Medical Tutor Offers ⬤

Boost your USMLE, CBSE, and COMLEX with Elite study experience!

Having troubles with Anki? Schedule your Anki consult here!

To get better scores on your med school exams we will make Anki cards for you!

What Students Are Saying

What we can do for you

Boost your score

Different people learn in different ways. That’s why our tutoring is 100% customized to you and your needs. We work together to look at your weak points, and then draw up a plan to tackle those weaknesses immediately. The result? Exam scores THAT are better than you could’ve ever hoped for!

Maximize your time and energy

Our tutors know what it takes to ace your exams. We use our experience and expertise to guide you through the different techniques to dramatically boost your scores. It doesn’t have to be a painful journey - once you have a support network that you can rely on, everything becomes that much easier.

Enhance your retention capacity

It sounds obvious, but remember, it’s all about being able to retain what you learn. The outdated learning techniques taught in schools across the world are no longer the most efficient way of consuming information. Your Anki specialist at EMT will make sure you’re learning effectively so that you can actually remember the information you consume.

How tutoring will help you ace your exam?


Tutoring is active and for this reason, is the most effective way of studying anything

Research shows that tutoring is a major factor for improving student scores.

Elite tutoring session sample

The rest of Elite tutoring session is even more fun!